Home France Fever: Causes, Symptoms And What You Should Do About It

Fever: Causes, Symptoms And What You Should Do About It


Fievre is a common condition that anyone can experience. Usually, our body has a temperature of 37.4°C, which is known as the normal body temperature. The rise in this temperature is known as fever, and it is not a disease but can be a symptom of one. The normal functioning temperature of the body is 37.4 degrees, and it is regulated by a hypothalamus that is a part of the brain responsible for maintaining the temperature. However, sometimes it increases the body’s temperature as a measure of self-defense to counter the pathogen that has entered the body. Fever is common in conditions, from a common cold to a severe infection.

Why Fever Happen?

Fever is a self-dense instrument of the body. When the virus or bacteria attacks, the body increases the temperature of the body to effectively fight them off because the pathogens have trouble surviving temperatures above 37 degrees. Fever can also be the result of a lack of temperature regulation and is common in infants and kids. Sometimes there can be minor fever due to overworking along with the headache.

How Does The Body Create Fever?

Our body is made with perfect engineering, and when it detects the external virus or pathogen, it increases the temperature to better fight it. The metabolism is increased, and the body burns extra calories to generate more heat. The muscles can also be used to generate heat that can sometimes cause chills. The blood vessels also tighten to minimize the loss of heat. The body’s temperature is not increased instantly but increases according to the requirement of the immune system.

The Range Of Fever

Different fever ranges can be the result of different diseases. Doctors distinguish different levels of fever as

  • 3 to 37.5°C is the normal body temperature
  • 6 to 38°C is a low fever, and it is important to rest.
  • 1 to 38.5°C is mild fever, and fever-controlling tablets can be taken in it.
  • 6 to 39.0°C is moderate fever, and you should consult the doctor if it lasts more than three days.
  • 1 to 39.9°C is high fever, and you should go see the doctor if it continues for a day.
  • 0 to 42.0°C is a very extreme condition, and you should immediately go to the emergency room.

Signs Of Fever

There are many signs of fever that include.

  • Red and heated face
  • Pale skin
  • Shivering
  • Tiredness and unrest
  • Groaning
  • Abnormal sleep patterns generally oversleep
  • Hunger loss

These are the common signs of fever, but low to mild fever can happen without any sign.

Measurement Of Fever

There are many ways to measure fever. The most common practice to measure the fever is using a thermometer and putting it under the armpit or in the mouth. This method is highly inaccurate and can easily overestimate the temperature because these parts generally have higher temperatures. Many other special thermometers are designed to measure the temperature from the forehead or the ears.

The digital thermometers are ideal because they provide the most accurate temperature and also signal when the reading is noted. It takes about 30 to 40 seconds to measure the thermometer’s reading. The most important thing in measuring the temperature is the time. If you are trying to plot a graph on a daily basis, always take the temperature at the same time of the day. Make sure to take the temperature at resting condition because taking the temperature after the exercise or workout can indicate higher readings. Also, do not consume hot food or drink before temperature measurement.